5 Ways to Lose Weight by Drinking Water
Drink your eight glasses of water a day, and add a few more every time you exercise. Do that without fail and you just might find yourself losing a few unwanted pounds every month. [...]
What’s the best replacement for energy drinks
Q: “I run on adrenaline because I work 18-hour days in a high-pressured job. I can’t seem to quit drinking caffeine, soda, and those energy drinks. Because the moment I do, my energy levels dip, [...]
3 Truths on Why Thyroid Is Important to Your Health
Mature female doctor examining her patient. Your thyroid is part of your first line of defense against illness. Those harmful oxidants that creep into your body, and those small but significant elements that [...]
Good health starts with an irresistible motivation
“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.” Jim Ryun Wanting and even dreaming to be physically fit – and looking fabulous – is one thing. Keeping at it until we [...]
Your body. Your brand.
First impressions last, and sometimes for a lifetime. Rightly or wrongly, people do make their initial, immediate, and unchanging assessment of you during your very first meeting. How you carried yourself and communicated your ideas. [...]
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