Top 10 Essentials to a Healthy Liver
Just like sunscreen for your skin, the liver acts like a filter that protects your body from harmful substances as foods and fluids are being processed and enters the body. The liver has numerous essential functions in [...]
Top 5 Secrets to Glowing and Youthful Skin
Do you want bright, glowing skin? If that's a dream of yours then you're going to want to read this! Be amazed at how easy it is to get that baby soft skin! First things first, everything that’s worth achieving isn’t as [...]
Meditation can boost our brain!
Meditation has been widely known all over the world to improve the mental state of a person. You may think of it as another famous hoax but there is indeed science behind meditation and why [...]
What You Don’t Know about Frozen Yogurt
Frozen Yogurt has been the newest trend lately, especially for health fanatics and those that are trying to lose weight yet still crave for those sweet desserts. But little do people know, that sweet treat [...]
How to Maintain Your Thyroid Health
Located inside your neck and just below your larynx (voice box), a butterfly-shaped gland called the thyroid is responsible for vital bodily functions such as energy utilization, brain development, metabolism, weight management, sleep and many [...]
The Importance of a Good Night Sleep
Have you ever wonder what the worst thing you can ever do today? Well, for me, it’s staying up late at night and deprive myself of a long, satisfying sleep. I’m the kind of person [...]
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